EVENT | Free Herbalism Project (Fall 2018)

In today’s episode I’m going to chat about the upcoming event, the Free Herbalism Project hosted by Mountain Rose Herbs.

The event is going to be held at the beautiful Mount Pisgah Arboretum in Eugene, OR on Sunday, October 14, 2018. We’ll be hosting herbalists Tieraona Low Dog, MD and Paul Bergner. There will also be a plant walk featuring Anna Bradley, a presentation from Guisepi Spadafora, and a free yoga class!

We hope to see you there!


Taste of Herbs Flavor Wheel

Have you ever stared at a list of herbs, wondering which was the right one to use?

Or wished you could choose herbal remedies with confidence?

The secret is revealed in this training from my friends John and Rosalee at LearningHerbs

You’ll get a really cool Taste of Herbs Flavor Wheel… it’s your map to understanding herbalism.

Plus, a free video training which reveals:

– A proven way to learn about herbs… that requires NO memorization or book study.

– How to dramatically improve your chances for success when making a remedy.

– What “energetics” are and why are they important to your long-term success as a home herbalist.

– How to take a book shelf of information and get it off the shelf and into practical use for your family.


Best regards,